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Unfortunately, the page you were looking for cannot be found. Our site does change from time to time and we have no control over links that may be entered on external websites. Alternatively, it could be an old "bookmark" or "favorite" that has been set in your browser.

Please try looking again through the main menu items above, or you could try searching for a key word or phrase to find the content that you're looking for.

If possible, you should remove the out-of-date bookmark or "favorite" and set a new one, to avoid this happening all the time.

Apologies for the inconvenience... we do check our links regularly but, if you drop an email about the problem to the Site Administrator, that will help us to set things right again. Thank you!

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This site has been set up by Christians in Birmingham who have a concern to help those seeking answers about the Christian faith. The site aims to provide a summary of the Christian faith and links to some other, chosen sites that have further useful information. These other sites focus on special aspects of the faith or are designed for those from a certain age or background. There is also a form you can submit to ask a question and receive a personal response, or simply to ask for some literature to be sent to you.

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